In 2001, the Dobrzansky family of the United States
requested genealogical information about their maternal-line.
I visited the village where the family once resided,
contacted the local archives and found vital statistics of the family
in the archives of Kamenetz Podilsky going back to 1607.
Included was an application for nobility!
Sevearal hundred additional documents,
dating from the 1600's to the 1900s, were also found.
Photocopies were explained, translated, and sent to the client.
The Dobrzansky family was thrilled with the results.
- Oleksandr Denysenko, CEO, Zhyva Simja
In 2002, Frederic Blum of Philadelphia requested
a maternal-line family search of his family members
who once lived in Radekhiv (Radziechow).
Here, we found several people who knew about the family.
We also located a local woman who had
saved a family member from exterminatin and
was recognized with the title of
"Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem.
- Oleksandr Denysenko, CEO, Zhyva Simja
"We had a great time with you on our trip.
Your language skills and encyclopedic knowledge
made for a memorable experience.
I still cannot believe that we found my relatives so easily.
Your driver, Vitaly, was great and got us to Budapest in good time and order.
The sadness of the situation in the United States
[the 9/11 attack on the WTC - I.P.]
may have dampened our good spirits
but did not detract from the satisfaction that we all received
from our Hungarian/Ukrainian adventure."
- Don Kykytiuk, Haverford, USA.
All of us are incredibly grateful to you
for making our trip last August an extraordinary experience.
We learned more from you than we could ever have imagined;
your encyclopedic knowledge of culture, history, Jewish history,
art and architecture added immeasurably to our voyage.
When we had planned the trip,
we assumed that we would be exhausted
and that our three days in Paris would be for rest and relaxation.
As it turned out, Paris was much harder - we had gotten used to
being in your good hands, not worrying about where to eat or logistics.
In Paris, the six of us had to negotiate, make decisions about what to do,
where to go, when to meet, etc..
Much more exhausting than our time with you!
- Hersh Parnes, Seattle, WA, USA.
The cost of archival searches is based upon
the 'last-listed' name and geographical location
as per relevant-found documental entry.
A copy of the original document found,
along with any necessary explanations and translations,
is sent to the Client b mail and/or e-mail.
The cost of a visitation to an ancestral village is based upon
mileage and time requirements.
Apartment accomodations are available,
at the best rates, at our apartments in Lviv and at the best hotels.
In all cases, the Client will be notified of
anticipated costs in advance of any undertaking
Once all of the arrangements are in place,
we enter into a more formal contract with the Client.

Professor Lisko from Columbus finds his family after 50 years of separation.
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