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[ Bradwell Priory ]
Bradwell Priory wall paintings
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[ Wall paintings ]
When the chapel was constructed (c1335) the walls were liberally
stencilled with the letter M, standing for Mary, to whom the
Chapel was dedicated. About 50 years later (c1385) wall
paintings were added to the walls. Although these were covered
with limewash during a purge on religious icons, the limewash has
now been removed and although the paintings are in relatively
poor condition, most of the scenes can now be seen again.
The paintings were uncovered and restored over a number of years,
from the 1960's to the 1980's.
The one illustrated above shows an annunciation scene, where the
Archangel Gabriel who is reading from a scroll tells Mary that
she has been chosen to bear God's Son. Other scenes show Mary
teaching her Son (as a child), Archangel Michael weighing a soul,
the accusation of Christ, the visitation and a crucifixion scene.
An outline drawing of pilgrims carrying thank offerings
The most important scene shows pilgrims, their staffs placed
before them, visiting the shrine carrying in one case an unwanted
walking stick and in other cases wax or wooden models of the
parts of their bodies (or a relative's body) which the Virgin
Mary has cured. The latter scene is unique in England, it not
being known that such thank offerings were made in this country
during the middle ages until this painting was uncovered,
although it was known that it occurred, and still occurs, in
other European countries. Another painting shows three couples,
but the subject has not been recognised.
An outline drawing of St Michael weighing a soul
The painting of Archangel Michael weighing a soul is interesting,
too. It was normal to show two of the Devil's minions hanging on
to the pan which held the weight in an endeavour to stop the soul
from entering Heaven, although this part of the painting is
unfortunately damaged and unclear. However, the Virgin Mary is
standing alongside and at the time the scene was painted she was
shown with her hand on the beam of the scales to offset the
effects of the two little devils. During the 1400's, it slowly
came to be believed that even the Virgin Mary should not
interfere with such an important event in this manner, and
later paintings of this scene instead show her placing her
rosary in the pan with the soul to offset the work of the devils.
The painting was therefore altered, presumably by the monks, a
crude band representing her rosary being drawn hanging from her
hand as if it is about to be placed in the pan.
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