See also
Keith's Automated Astrolabe (a Java applet) |
Keith's Star Views town views of stars (a Java applet>. |
Hello World.
2. Fonts, - different fonts, differently sized and coloured, some central.
Fnts.html - 3.2K.
3. Graphics - rectangles, ovals, arcs, a face and 13 colours.
Grap.html - 5.0K.
4. Thread - not buffered so shows a flickering moving image.
Jump.html - 3.0K.
5. Thread (double-buffered) - shows a non-flickering moving image.
Buff.html - 3.4K.
6. Random - a randomly moving ball which jumps when clicked.
Rand.html - 3.5K.
7. Menus - menus allow you to change colours.
Menu.html - 4.5K.
8. Scroll - scrollbars to the right and under a window.
ScrB.html - 4.1K.
9. Clock - digital and analogue display.
Clck.html - 3.6K.
10. A jpeg - shows a picture and a moving pointer.
Ajpg.html - 41.5K (includes a jpeg).
11. Colours - displays the 216 colours recommended for web pages.
- 6K (24.5K if you are not java-enabled).
12. MenuBar - displays a separate window with either a
menubar across the top of the window or, if you are an Acorn
user, you use your menu button.
- 9K.
13. Pendulum Clock - analogue clock with a
pendulum/escapement powered by a gremlin.
- 10.5K.
14. Rotate - the words "mum * dad" and "dad * mum"
- 10.5K.
15. Grid - applet opens a window covered in squares, making
it useful for determining the pixel position of objects.
- 4.5K.
16. Imagemap - this is the imagemap shown above which allows you to visit the pages showing my other applets. Details of my imagemap applet are given towards the bottom of this page.